

Wrinkles: What Causes Them and What Can Be Done?

by Liam CampbellJul 5,2023Plasma Pen™ Advice, Plasma Pen™ Treatment


Wrinkles are a natural part of the ageing process, and there are very few people that manage to escape getting older without a wrinkle or two forming. Though wrinkles are common and to be expected, a lot of people notice a dip in their self esteem and confidence when they appear, as wrinkles can sometimes leave you feeling past your best. Luckily, there are ways to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fight the signs of ageing.

What Causes Wrinkles?

The majority of people develop wrinkles as they age, and this is due to the skin losing its elasticity. This is largely due to the fact that our bodies produce less collagen and elastin as we get older, both of which are key to the skin staying elastic, firm and smooth. Without the proteins from collagen and elastin, wrinkles, creases and fine lines begin to form. The longer the skin is without the necessary collagen, the more noticeable wrinkles become, but help is available.

How Can Wrinkles Be Prevented?

Though it’s impossible to prevent wrinkles altogether – unfortunately, fine lines and wrinkles are a part of the ageing process – there are things that you can do to keep them at bay for as long as possible, and to reduce their appearance once they do appear. Exposure to UV rays from spending time in the sun can damage the skin and speed up the ageing process, which is why proper sun protection is vital. Hydration is also a key part of preventing wrinkles, as skin finds it a lot easier to remain supple and elastic when it is properly hydrated. This means drinking enough water and applying a high quality moisturiser.

There are also a range of lifestyle factors that can contribute to the formation of wrinkles. For example, smoking reduces blood flow to the skin and damages collagen production. Pollution and harsh weather conditions can also have an impact, as can squinting, frowning and smiling. Though it’s impossible to avoid these lifestyle factors completely, it’s important to bear them in mind and minimise the impact they have on your skin.

What Can You Do About Wrinkles?

Thankfully, there are things that you can do to improve the appearance of wrinkles, and fibroblast treatment is one of the most popular methods. Using PlasmaPen, it’s possible to significantly reduce the visibility of wrinkles, creating smoother and younger looking skin. Fibroblast treatment manages to be effective, whilst remaining painless and extremely easy. You will see a transformation in your skin in no time at all, and there are very few side effects to worry about.

At PlasmaPen, we know all there is to know about what can be done about wrinkles. To find out more about how PlasmaPen can help, contact our talented team

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