Why choose a non-surgical eye lift?

by Liam CampbellMar 11,2022Plasma Pen™ Treatment

In the past, anti-ageing procedures were limited to surgical interventions that involve invasive techniques… With long recovery times. Luckily today, we’ve come a long way in advancing the technologies involved in eyelift treatments.

As the pioneers of the revolutionary non-surgical Fibroblast technique, we’re here to explain a little about how this innovational technology works using the Plasma Pen to deliver lasting eyelift results.

What is a non-surgical eye lift?

Our Plasma Pen Fibroblast treatments are known as ‘soft surgical treatments’. Without the need to go under the knife or be placed under general anaesthesia for the procedure, these are relatively invasive techniques with minimal downtime and pain.

When it comes to Fibroblast procedures, the upper and lower eyelift is one of our most popular options. The Plasma Pen works with nitrogen plasma energy precisely delivered to the epidermal layer of the skin. The pen also disrupts the deeper dermal structure with what we call ‘micro-traumas’, that can stimulate the fibroblasts. The fibroblasts are the most prevalent kind of cells found in the connective tissues of the skin, and are responsible for creating collagen. As we know, collagen is found all throughout the body, and maintains its role of holding the body together with the way it works as a scaffold-like structure.

The Fibroblast technique works to stimulate the fibroblast cells to secrete more collagen. This has the effect of making skin feel more youthful as it tightens, since collagen is known to boost skin elasticity – something we lose with age. This natural stimulation technique means there are no manmade additives or solutions involved in our non-surgical eyelift procedures. Our specially trained and skilled Plasma Pen specialists simply encourage your own skin to rejuvenate itself with the use of carefully positioned fibroblasting applications.

The Plasma Pen achieves this by using electrical energy which is then converted into electrostatic energy. This creates nitrogen plasma gas – which in turn, stimulates the skin as the Plasma Pen is placed to create networks of dots around certain problem areas. This is the most invasive that our Fibroblast procedure gets! It will result in a mini polka dot appearance in the targeted areas, forming tiny scabs that will healthily crust over in a matter of days. This is the sign that your body is creating new epithelial tissue, and these scabs fall off naturally when the skin is rebuilding itself.

These mini dots don’t leave any scarring, of course, and they don’t last long. Your skin will continue to heal over the next 1 – 12 weeks, plumping, lifting, and inflating the skin as the anti-ageing effects get to work.

What is the difference between non-surgical eye lifts and surgery?

Having a surgical eye lift is a big treatment that’s highly invasive. Upper eyelid surgery is known as Blepharoplasty, which can open up the eyes and reduce drooping. Lower eyelid surgery is also common, reducing the appearance of wrinkles by smoothing out undereye bags and lines. Double eyelid surgery is another one, popular in East Asia. This involves a cut made in the upper eyelid that leads to a more rounded appearance of the eyes.

Generally speaking, any surgical eye lift comes with risks. It can even take up to one year for you to witness the fully formed results of your eye lift! This takes patience, especially when you can instead opt for a non-surgical procedure that offers instant results… Like a Fibroblast eye lift.

The Fibroblast non-surgical eyelift offers impressive results that you’ll be able to notice instantly. This is in stark contrast with the whole year it can take for eyelift surgery to show the final results. Further to this, there are very minimal recovery times associated with our non-surgical eyelift procedures. In 1 – 12 weeks you will notice your rejuvenated skin is still continuing to offer lasting youthful results, and you won’t have to take any time off work. With surgical eyelifts, you’ll need to take at least 1 week off work, and you won’t be able to drive for a few days. The aftercare instructions are much more strict, too. After invasive surgery you’ll have to keep your head propped up in order to reduce swelling, and use cold packs. You might experience extreme swelling with eyelids that become difficult to close for sleep, bruising, and visible scars.

What are the risks of non-surgical eye lift treatments?

As we mentioned above, eye lift surgery comes with associated risks.

In comparison, there are very minimal risks involved with our non-surgical eye lift procedure. Only a very small number of clients will experience any issues with the treatment whatsoever – many of which are caused by underlying medical issues or the inability to follow our aftercare guidelines. Due to this, the Fibroblast non-surgical eyelift is the preferred option for many.

One risk to the Fibroblast treatment is the risk of infection, which can happen with both surgical and non-surgical eyelifts. Since the Plasma Pen is creating micro-trauma on the skin, the skin must be carefully looked after post-procedure. This means no picking at the crusts that eventually form on the skin, and no covering with dressings or creams (other than the one we provide) until the healing process is complete. You may also wish to avoid exercise or activities that make you sweat straight after the procedure, since this can increase the risk of infection.

The other risk is that of sun exposure, since the fresh skin that surfaces after the treatment will be even more vulnerable to UV rays than usual. You need to wear 50+ SPF suncreams every day for up to 12 weeks. If you follow these guidelines, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll experience any adverse effects whatsoever – and your recovery will go smoothly.

Comparatively, the risks of infection with surgical eyelifts are much more severe – and sometimes happen even when you follow all the aftercare instructions. Bruising and swelling are common, though you might also experience more significant side effects. These may include blurred vision, asymmetrical appearance of the eyes, eye muscle injury, and further visual impairments that may or may not improve.

You may also experience excessive bleeding, blood clots, or an allergic reaction to the anaesthetic delivered. These complications can be serious and should be attended to urgently by a medical doctor. Ultimately when we compare the risks of non-surgical eyelift treatments with the surgical eyelift procedure, the non-surgical option certainly comes out on top!

Choose your non-invasive eye lift treatment today.

At Plasma Pen, we are industry-leading non-invasive eyelift surgery specialists. Our innovative Fibroblast technology negates the need for a surgical eyelift, with treatment options that are equally as effective with lasting results. If you’d like to find out more about how we can offer a non-surgical eyelift solution, get in touch with our specialists via our website.

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