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What Results Can You Expect From PlasmaPen Treatments?

by Plasma Pen UKMar 28,2023Plasma Pen™ Guide, Plasma Pen™ Treatment

PlasmaPen™ - Post-Treatment B&A

PlasmaPen treatment might seem complex, but it’s a relatively straightforward and simple cosmetic option, once you understand the ins and outs of how everything works. Using innovative technology and a state of the art device, PlasmaPen treatments are an easy way of improving the appearance of skin.

How Does PlasmaPen Work?

PlasmaPen works by targeting specific cells on the skin’s surface, and it causes a small amount of controlled damage. As the skin works to heal and repair this damage, collagen is produced and this gives skin a new lease of life.

What Areas Can Be Treated?

Any area of the body can be treated with PlasmaPen, which is why it’s such a commonly used device. Instead of being limited to one type of treatment or one specific area of the face, PlasmaPen can be used in a multitude of ways. It can be used on fine lines and wrinkles, crow’s feet, acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, neck, jowls, stretch marks, sun damage and even moles. There really are no limits to what can be achieved with PlasmaPen, and results are impressive.

What Results Can Be Achieved?

You only have to look at some of our before and after images to see the results that can be achieved with PlasmaPen treatment. Skin appears tighter, firmer, softer and youthful. Instead of areas of skin looking loose and sagging, it will look tight and toned. It’s a fantastic way of rejuvenated skin and giving it a much needed cosmetic boost.

How Long Does it Take to See Results?

You should begin to see results immediately after your PlasmaPen session, and should develop over the next 12 weeks. One of the great things about PlasmaPen is that your skin will be transformed instantly, and you don’t need to wait too long to see a big difference.

What Skin Types are Suitable?

A lot of people can benefit from PlasmaPen treatment and it can be used on a variety of skin types. However, it tends to work best on those with fair to medium skin tones (Fitzpatrick 1-3). This is because PlasmaPen can, on rare occasions, cause hyperpigmentation on the surface of the skin. For those with darker skin, this could be noticeable and hard to hide, and it’s less likely to fade compared to hyperpigmentation on lighter skin. This is why it’s always recommended to have a PlasmaPen test done beforehand, to ensure that your skin is suitable and the desired results can be achieved.

At PlasmaPen, we have a range of before and after images on our website, which gives a good insight into the results that you can expect from PlasmaPen treatments. Whether you are hoping to combat fine lines and wrinkles, or you have sagging skin that needs tightening, PlasmaPen treatments are able to achieve impressive results. You can find out more by speaking to one of our helpful team members.

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