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Turn back the hands of time with non-surgical skin tightening treatments

by LiamAug 28,2020Plasma Pen™ Treatment

As we age our skin naturally becomes slacker. The loss of the elastic tissue, known as elastin, within the skin causes our skin to hang more loosely. Sagging skin can happen almost anywhere on the body, but it mostly affects the eyelids, jowls, chin, throat, upper arms and stomach. Read on to find out how to turn back the hands of time with a non-surgical skin tightening procedure.

Why does skin become slack as we age?

As we age our skin loses two of the most important proteins manufactured in the dermis. These are elastin and collagen. Elastin gives skin its elasticity and provides firm skin with the ability to bounce back when stretched. Collagen is produced by fibroblasts that cause the skin to be taut and firm.

Collagen and elastin production decline as we age. However, this decline can be sped up by external factors, such as:

  • UV exposure
  • Pollutants in the environment
  • Lifestyle factors, such as poor nutrition

If you are looking to turn back the hands of time and improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles due to skin-slackness, you should consider a non-surgical skin tightening treatment from Plasma Pen.

What types of skin-tightening treatments are there?

If you’re looking for skin-tightening treatments there are lots of options available to you from the widely available to the more niche. Some treatments are more invasive than others and it is important to consider all of your options before selecting an invasive skin-tightening treatment.

Typically, you can achieve very similar results with non-surgical skin tightening treatments. The range of skin tightening treatments available is varied, from chemical peels to micro-needling, invasive surgical methods, laser treatments and nitrogen plasma fibroblasting treatments.

How does fibroblasting work as a skin tightening treatment?

Plasma Pen’s innovative fibroblasting skin tightening treatments work to tighten, brighten and resurface the skin. This revolutionary non-surgical skin tightening procedure is designed to tighten and lift the skin, shrink excess skin and eliminate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

During this non-surgical skin tightening treatment, nitrogen plasma energy is transferred to the skin’s epidermal layer. This causes the skin to heat and in turn disrupts the deeper dermal structure. This causes micro-trauma within the superficial epidermis, as well as within the deeper zone within the dermis. Particularly in fibroblast cells.

The fibroblasting skin tightening treatment is a three-step process

Non-surgical skin tightening fibroblasting treatments consist of three key steps. These include:

  • The Plasma Pen ‘sprays’ a plasma arc across the skin causing immediate superficial micro-trauma to the upper epidermal layer of the skin.
  • This micro-trauma stimulates the healing process to create newly rejuvenated tissue over the next 12-week healing period.
  • During this phase, the collagen and elastin that our skin loses during the ageing process are produced. This plumps the structure of the skin to soften and eliminate lines and wrinkles.

This non-surgical skin tightening procedure works to tighten and smooth the skin with almost immediate effects by stimulating the production of collagen and elastin.

What is the recovery time for a Plasma Pen non-surgical skin tightening procedure?

Non-surgical skin tightening treatments from Plasma Pen offer the key benefit of vastly reduced recovery times and next-to-no downtime. During the first week following a fibroblasting skin tightening treatment tiny carbon crusts will appear on the skin. This is a sign of the new epithelial tissue emerging.

These carbon crusts serve as a natural and protective barrier that will naturally flake off as the newly formed and rejuvenated skin appears underneath. This skin tightening treatment creates Type 111 collagen, which works to minimise the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines and ageing.

Following this, for the first one to 12-weeks, the skin is working through the healing process. This skin tightening procedure works to strengthen, plump and lift the skin. Following a fibroblasting procedure, we start to see the stimulation of white blood cells that work to fill the gaps created by the microtrauma.

After this, from 12-weeks post-treatment, the skin starts to form new blood vessels and release growth factors. These growth factors include small proteins that help to modulate our immune response in the stimulation of new cells to repair the skin.

Skin tightening treatments from Plasma Pen

If you are interested in learning more about the non-surgical skin tightening treatments delivered by Plasma Pen, contact one of our team to find a Plasma Pen technician near you.

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