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Is PlasmaPen Better Than Microneedling?

by Plasma Pen UKApr 18,2023Plasma Pen™ Guide, Plasma Pen™ Treatment

Microneedling and PlasmaPen are both treatments that you might have heard of, but how much do you know about their differences? These two treatments are often referred to interchangeably and they do have some things in common, but there are also plenty of differences. In this blog, we take a look at whether PlasmaPen is better than microneedling, and how each treatment achieves impressive results.

How Microneedling Works

Microneedling is a popular cosmetic treatment, and it’s an effective way of giving skin a much needed boost. It’s ideal if your skin is looking dull and lifeless, or if you have noticed areas of your skin beginning to sag. It works by rolling a number of very small needles across the targeted area, which creates a lot of small punctures in the skin’s surface, which the skin then sets out to repair. This encourages the skin to repair itself and to do so, it must produce new cells and more collagen. By doing this, the skin begins to look plumper and younger, creating a refreshed and rejuvenated look.

How PlasmaPen Works

PlasmaPen is a fibroblast device, and it’s one of the most innovative non-invasive fibroblasting treatments on the market. It’s regularly used as a way to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and to tighten sagging skin. PlasmaPen can be used for other treatments including on acne scars, face lifts, crow’s feet and forehead tightening. PlasmaPen works by encouraging inactive fibroblast cells to become active, which leads to an increased production of collagen and new cells. As fibroblasts don’t produce collagen unless they need to respond to a specific wound or inflammation, they need PlasmaPen to kickstart things. Once collagen is being produced, the skin begins to heal and a smoother, younger and fresher appearance is created.

Microneedling vs PlasmaPen

Though microneedling and PlasmaPen are similar, there are key differences between the two treatments. It’s likely that you will find microneedling to be a slightly cheaper option, but PlasmaPen does tend to boast better results. PlasmaPen results are long lasting, meaning that you are likely to get more for your money compared to the results of microneedling, and you’re less likely to need another round of treatment in the near future. PlasmaPen is like microndeeling on steriods – 1 PlasmaPen treatment is the equivalent of 10 microneedling sessions. It’s also important to remember that PlasmaPen can target more areas than microneedling, as microneedling is not safe for use around sensitive areas such as around the eyes.

As you can see, there are a number of reasons why PlasmaPen wins in the ‘PlasmaPen vs microneedling’ debate. To find out more about improving your skin with the wonders of PlasmaPen, get in touch with our helpful team of experts.

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