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How to Attract More Customers to Your Skin Clinic

by Plasma Pen UKNov 15,2023Plasma Pen™ Advice

Plasma Pen

Whether you are running a large and busy skin clinic, or you are embarking on a solo beautician venture, success is impossible without customers. Customers are what drives a business forward, and they are a key part of how a business grows, develops and evolves over a long period of time. There are a lot of skin clinics out there, which can make attracting customers a tough job. Luckily, it’s not an impossible task.

In the world of aesthetics, attracting more customers is key. Not only does attracting customers lead to more work and increased profits, but it can also give your word of mouth recommendations and referrals a boost. There are a variety of things that you can do to ensure customers keep walking through the door, some of which we have detailed below.


Improve Outward Appearance

The outside of your clinic is often the first thing a customer will see of your business, so make sure that it makes a good impression. Make sure it’s clean, attractive and professional looking. Customers should feel welcomed into the clinic, and your services should be clearly displayed with as much information as possible.

Of course, it’s not all about the way that your skin clinic looks, you also need to think about outwardly showcasing what you are capable of. It’s one thing to explain a cosmetic treatment and to brag about the potential results, but it’s another thing to show customers what they can expect. Don’t underestimate the power of visualisation. Make sure to showcase results in your skin clinic, as well as your website and social media. Feature images that show customers before and after treatment.


Boost Your Social Media

If you have spent any time online, you will know that skin clinics around the world are using social media to their advantage, and you need to be doing the same. Social media is invaluable in the world of beauty and cosmetics, as it gives you a platform to connect with customers, spread the word about who you do, and share examples of your services. Take the time to establish a strong presence on platforms such as Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook. These are platforms that are driven by visuals, making them ideal for showcasing your work.

When you post on social media, make sure to share content that educates, inspires and entertains people. There are a lot of skin clinics on social media, so you need to make sure that your content stands out as being something different. You should post before and after photos, skincare tips, tutorials and demonstrations, and even a behind the scene look at what your team is up to. Social media is a fantastic way to build connections with customers, old and new, and it really puts a face to the name.

Remember, consistency really is key with social media marketing. Rather than uploading sporadically and rarely, regularly post content and engage with your audience. It’s also a good idea to use relevant hashtags and collaborate with others in the industry.


Offer New Services and Technologies

The more services you provide, the more customers you will attract. Customers are all looking for something slightly different, but offering a wide range of services and technologies ensures that you are appealing to as many people as possible. Stay ahead in the industry by offering innovative services, such as PlasmaPen. Highlight the benefits of PlasmaPen – such as skin tightening, reduced appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and reducing the visibility of scars – and encourage customers to find out more. Convey that by offering PlasmaPen treatment, your clinic is unique.

As well as PlasmaPen, consider adding other advanced treatments, such as laser treatments and chemical peels, to your offerings. Every new service and technology that you provide expands your customer base and keeps your clinic appealing to a broader audience.


Invest in Staff

Though you are sure to put a lot of hard work and dedication into your business, you won’t get far without a talented and reliable team. Having a knowledgeable team can make a big difference to how easy it is to attract customers. Ensure that your staff are well trained, up to date with industry trends, and that they are continuously expanding their expertise. You could even consider signing them up for relevant courses and additional certifications, which will enable them to provide an even higher quality of service to customers.

The way that your staff interact with customers is also important. A warm welcome and a personalised approach can make a big difference to how satisfied a customer is, and it could be what encourages them to return. Though you might have to put time, energy and resources into attracting more customers, hard work really does pay off.


At PlasmaPen, we know how difficult it can be to attract more customers to your skin clinic, but investing in PlasmaPen technology can make a significant difference. When you have PlasmaPen treatment to offer customers, you instantly appeal to a wider range of people. You appeal to people who want to improve the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as those who are feeling self-conscious about acne scarring. You appeal to people with moles and sun damage, as well as those who are struggling with sagging skin.

To find out more about PlasmaPen and how it can boost your skin clinic, get in touch with our helpful team. We are always happy to provide help, guidance and advice.

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