

How Does a Non-Surgical Eye Lift Work?

by Liam CampbellSep 25,2023Plasma Pen™ Treatment

woman undergoing skin treatment

A lot about the way that we look changes with age, and this is something that impacts a lot of people. Unless you are lucky enough to continue to look young and fresh as you get older, you have probably noticed subtle changes in your appearance over time. For a lot of people, these changes are centred around the eyes, which is why eye lifts are very popular. This is where PlasmaPen comes in.

If you know anything about PlasmaPen and fibroblast treatment, you will know that it has a lot of uses. PlasmaPen can be used to tighten skin, improve the appearance of wrinkles and remove acne scarring. It can also be used as a non-surgical eye lift treatment, but how does it work?

What is an Eye Lift For?

If you are unhappy with the way that your eyes look, or you have noticed a change in the area around your eyes, you might be considering an eye lift. There are a lot of reasons to have an eye lift and it’s a versatile treatment, especially if you choose the non-surgical route.

  • Drooping or Sagging Eyelids – As we age, the skin on our upper eyelids can begin to sag. Though this is a natural part of ageing, it can make you look tired and older than you are. A non-surgical eye lift combats this by tightening and lifting the skin. This creates a more youthful and awake appearance.


  • Puffy or Baggy Under Eyes – A lot of people develop bags, dark circles and puffiness under their eyes. This is usually due to ageing, but it can also be linked to lifestyle factors and genetics. Simply, some people are more likely to experience puffy and baggy under eyes than others. With an eye lift, this issue can be addressed quickly by removing excess fat and tightening the loose skin. This creates a smoother, more refreshed look.


  • Fine Lines and Wrinkles – Developing fine lines and wrinkles is a part of the ageing process, but that doesn’t mean that you need to deal with any that come your way. With an eye lift, the appearance of wrinkles can be reduced significantly, helping you to look as young as you feel.


  • Self-Confidence – Being unhappy with the way that you look can be hugely disappointing, and it can have a big impact on your self-confidence and happiness. For a lot of people, looking in the mirror and being unhappy with drooping, sagging and baggy eyes has become a part of life. Thankfully, an eye lift can create a refreshed, alert and more youthful look, which is sure to boost your confidence.

How a Non-Surgical Eye Lift Works

There are a lot of reasons to choose PlasmaPen treatment, one of which is for a non-surgical eye lift. A non-surgical eye lift works using fibroblast treatment and a PlasmaPen device, which causes a very small amount of damage to the skin. As the skin heals this damage naturally, it’s encouraged to produce more collagen. It’s a completely non-surgical, non-invasive and straightforward cosmetic treatment. The skin, along with the additional collagen, then heals in a way that makes it tighter, firmer and younger looking.

An Alternative to a Surgical Eye Lift

When it comes to having an eye lift and improving the appearance of your eyes, the surgical option is called blepharoplasty. Blepharoplasty is a type of eyelid surgery and it’s aimed at removing excess skin and wrinkles from the upper and lower eyelids. By doing so, it can improve the appearance of the eyes and create a more youthful, refreshed and less tired appearance. However, a lot of people find blepharoplasty to be a difficult and unpleasant surgery, with some now seeking an alternative treatment.

For many patients, blepharoplasty is a painful treatment option. You can expect a lot of swelling, bruising and discomfort for a few days after surgery, and pain medication is often needed to manage this. It’s also common for blepharoplasty to cause temporary dryness and irritation in the eyes. As well as causing a fair amount of pain and discomfort, blepharoplasty can also lead to blurred vision, sensitivity to light and difficulty closing your eyes during the healing process. Though rare, blepharoplasty can also cause an infection. Pain, redness, swelling and discharge from the incisions could be a sign that the surgical area is infected. Though a lot of care is taken to avoid these side effects, there is always a risk with any surgery.

When you consider the pain and discomfort that’s common with blepharoplasty, it’s easy to see why a growing number of people are searching for an alternative to a surgical eye lift. Blepharoplasty has been a popular option for many years, but that’s largely due to the fact that it was the only option for a long time. If someone wanted to improve the appearance of their eyes, blepharoplasty was the only treatment. As technology has developed, so have cosmetic treatments. With PlasmaPen, you can enjoy the same results as blepharoplasty, but with very little pain, discomfort, downtime or recovery time. There are also very few risks with PlasmaPen treatment, which cannot be said for blepharoplasty.

When you choose PlasmaPen, you are choosing a versatile and trusted device. Using state-of-the-art technology and fibroblast treatment, PlasmaPen can transform your appearance. As well as being an alternative to a surgical eye lift, this also includes tightening skin, reducing sagging skin, improving the appearance of wrinkles and getting rid of scarring. Get in touch with our helpful team to find out more about PlasmaPen.

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