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Empower Your Clients’ Skin This New Year with the Magic of Plasma Pen Treatments

by Plasma Pen UKJan 17,2024Plasma Pen™ Advice

Empower Your Clients’ Skin This New Year with the Magic of Plasma Pen Treatments

It’s the start of a brand new year, meaning that it’s also the perfect time to give your cosmetic clients something special. With a lot of people kickstarting 2024 with a “new year, new me” mentality, it’s the ideal time to empower them and transform their skin with the magic of PlasmaPen treatments. There are a whole host of treatments available with a PlasmaPen device, so there really is something for everyone. It doesn’t matter if you have clients wanting to rejuvenate and revitalise their skin, or you have clients wanting to keep fine lines and wrinkles at bay, PlasmaPen enables you to cater to everyone.


How Does PlasmaPen Work?

PlamsaPen is an innovative and unique device, one that’s capable of providing a wide range of non-invasive and non-surgical cosmetic treatments. It uses plasma to rejuvenate and tighten the skin, resulting in a smoother, tighter and younger looking appearance. It works by directing a targeted and controlled amount of plasma to specific areas of the skin, which causes a small amount of damage to the surface. These minor injuries encourage the skin to heal, which stimulates the production of collagen and elastic, both of which improve the firmness and elasticity of the skin’s surface.

As the skin heals and it becomes tighter, the overall appearance of the skin is transformed. PlasmaPen treatment results in reduced sagging, smoother skin, fewer fine lines and less obvious wrinkles. It’s also able to reduce the appearance of scars, sun damage and remove moles.


2024 is the Year of PlasmaPen

If you ask us, 2024 is going to be the year of PlasmaPen, and we are expecting non-invasive and non-surgical cosmetic treatments to be more popular than ever. Using cutting edge technology and innovation, PlasmaPen is able to provide a wide range of cosmetic treatments, all of which rejuvenate and tighten the skin. Though PlasmaPen is already popular, we are expecting this to grow in 2024, as the device promises clients a transformative aesthetic experience.

By offering PlamsaPen to your clients, you are able to address concerns such as sagging skin, fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage and scarring. As the world of beauty continues to evolve, PlasmaPen will continue to redefine standards in cosmetic treatments, providing your clients with effective and advanced skincare solutions.


Transform Clients’ Skin with These Popular PlasmaPen Treatments

One of the great things about PlasmaPen is the range of treatment options it’s capable of providing. Whether your clients are wanting to look younger and fresher, or they want to give their self-esteem a boost, PlasmaPen is a device worth using.


  • Combat Sagging Eyelids – With PlasmaPen, it’s possible to combat sagging eyelids by tightening the skin around the eyes. This creates a lifted, tighter and more youthful appearance. As PlasmaPen treatment is non-invasive and non-surgical, this is a good option for anyone who is unhappy with the amount that their eyelids sag, but they’re not keen to go under the knife.


  • Fading Stretch Marks – The majority of us have stretch marks, some more so than others. Though there is nothing to be embarrassed about, some people find that stretch marks have a negative effect on their self-esteem. If this is the case, PlasmaPen can help by fading them. By encouraging the production of collagen and elastin in the skin, stretch marks gradually fade.


  • Neck Tightening – As we age, there are some areas that age more noticeable than others, such as the neck. It’s often said that someone’s neck gives away their age, even if they have a relatively youthful looking and contoured face. Luckily, the magic of PlasmaPen works on the neck too. PlasmaPen treatment tightens loose skin on the neck, reducing sagging and contouring the area. This creates a more defined and youthful appearance, and leaves your client’s neck looking its best.


  • Reducing Crow’s Feet – Despite being a natural part of ageing, a lot of people are unhappy with the fine lines and wrinkles around their eyes, which are also known as crow’s feet. You can empower your clients’ skin by reducing the appearance of these lines and wrinkles using a PlasmaPen device. PlasmaPen treatment smooths the lines, resulting in a more youthful appearance.


  • Improving Acne Scars – Acne is something that a lot of people have to deal with, and it often results in scarring. PlasmaPen can improve the appearance of acne scarring, leaving skin looking and feeling smoother. Using plasma and damaging the skin very slightly, PlasmaPen encourages the skin to heal and rejuvenate, resulting in a fresher appearance with less noticeable scarring. As the skin rejuvenates, acne scars begin to fade.


  • Lifting Jowls – Ageing impacts various parts of your clients’ appearance, including the jawline. It’s likely to become less defined and strong as they age – something that many people struggle to come to terms with, as it can have an impact on self-confidence – and jowls can begin to gradually sag. PlasmaPen provides a non-surgical, non-invasive way of lifting jowls. This results in a more defined, contoured and youthful jawline.


As you can see, PlasmaPen really will help you to empower your clients’ skin this year, and it can do so in a number of ways. Plus, offering PlasmaPen treatments ensures that you remain competitive by offering as many treatments as possible to your clients. To find out more about PlasmaPen and the treatment options available, speak to one of our talented team. We are always happy to answer questions about our innovative, unique and effective device.

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